Pow Wow Pitch Reveals Contents of 2024 Box

Pow Wow Pitch Reveals Contents of 2024 Box

Pow Wow Pitch is proud to present this year’s Pow Wow Pitch Box in partnership with RBC, Shopify and Mastercard, and in collaboration with Canada Post and Indigenous Prosperity Foundation, the contents of the 2024 Pow Wow Pitch Box. featuring fourteen selected products and digital experiences from Indigenous entrepreneurs.

Ramona Emerson, Sharon Marshall, and Ashley Michel win 2023 Alumni Choice

Ramona Emerson, Sharon Marshall, and Ashley Michel win 2023 Alumni Choice

On September 19th, Pow Wow Pitch, North America’s premier pitch competition for Indigenous entrepreneurs, presented in partnership with RBC, Shopify and Mastercard, announced three Alumni Choice Prize Winners:
Ramona Emerson, the Diné Co-Founder of Reel Indian Pictures from Albuquerque, New Mexico (USA).
Sharon Marshall, the Cree and Métis Founder of Digital DEVA from Lantzville, British Columbia.
Ashley Michel, the Secwepemc Founder of 4 Generations Creations from Kamloops, British Columbia.

Give back to your community

Give back to your community

Inspiration often has roots in personal experiences, and for Kelly and Ramona, it’s no different. Kelly recalls the indomitable spirit of her grandmother, an educator who ventured back to college at sixty. “She always gave back to her community even when she didn’t have a lot to give,” Kelly reflects. This commitment to community and relentless spirit reverberates in their work ethos.